AWP Safety Improves Performance by Leveraging Samsara Technology
As a growing company, servicing over 1 million worksites annually, AWP Safety requires an innovative and comprehensive data solution that helps us manage, evaluate and optimize our workforce’s safety performance. By keeping close watch on our our daily operations, we are better equipped to ensure our teams and the communities we serve are kept safe everyday.
In order to gain high-level insights across our vast enterprise, AWP Safety leverages the latest in Samsara technology. Through Samsara tools, we are able to centralize data from across our footprint into a single source of truth to help us standardize our metrics and identify patterns across the organization. Here’s a look at some of the technology features we utilize:
AI Dashcams
AWP Safety uses video-based safety monitoring to improve safety coaching and to significantly lower risky driving behaviors among our workforce. By implementing AI Dashcams, we have reduced harsh events by 75%, speeding by 74%, seat belt usage violations by 73%, and mobile phone usage by 81%.
A large driver of this success is how our team utilizes the data Samsara technology provides. Increased accessibility in reviewing teams’ behaviors allows us to improve the timeliness and effectiveness of our coaching. Mark Ludewig, vice president of safety, explains, that by leveraging these technologies, “We drive positive behaviors with recognition and rewards, and address undesired behaviors immediately with more training, rather than being punitive.”
Equipment Tracking
Utilizing our traffic management assets efficiently is imperative, as it directly benefits our customers. Being able to quickly locate assets across our widely dispersed work sites is critical. By using Samsara’s technology, AWP Safety can quickly see the location of all of our equipment within one dashboard, allowing us to improve asset utilization and ensuring our worksites are equipped properly.
Seamless Data Sharing & Reporting
The AWP Safety Analytics team uses Samsara APIs to integrate safety data, allowing us to easily share real-time key performance metrics with senior managers across business divisions. Real-time access across our enterprise enables us to discover opportunities for safety improvements, as well as identify recipients for AWP Safety’s rewards and recognition programs.
“There’s a sense of pride around the organization around how we’re improving safety,” said Jarrod Wachter, chief operating officer.
To learn more about how AWP Safety utilizes integrated technology, read about our Smart Work Zones.